
About me

My journey to date may, to many, seem varied. I've enjoyed the challenges of:

  • working in Central London with homeless people helping them take steps to get healthier and to improve their self-confidence,
  • consulting for a division of one of the largest multinationals in the UK on social dynamics and helping them achieve the biggest organic turnaround in that multinational in over 50 years,
  • modeling success in sales so that a company could better align its sales team and achieve results they felt would take 3-5 years ... but actually took 6 months.

The theme throughout is human performance. And, for the last 15 years, I've been up at the sharp end working with all manner of people in helping them improve their posture, from GB athletes [rowers and triathlete] to those with spinal injuries, hip and knee replacements and conditions such as fibromyalgia and Charcot Marie Tooth.

Posture may seem to some to be removed from the international world of big business, but at the heart of both is one person who has a challenge, or more, with the operation of their mind-body system.

Challenges of structure, vulnerability, awareness, motivation, perceptual filters and control apply as much to an 80 year old with a hip replacement as they do to the CEO of an organisation with a newly acquired site.

The seeming difference in scale is actually about social dynamics, dynamics that occur within ourselves as much as when other people are involved. And the principles of engaging one person applies to when you engaging many.


My fascination is how, and why, do people do what they do.

Such insights illuminate a situation enabling you to leverage it to improve performance, if you want to, not just in the short-term but over time.

And it all comes down to alignment.




David Newport